My Financial Health


Manage Money

Where am I now, where do I want to go

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Plan For the Future

Develop a plan to get there

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Grow Skills

Build skills to improve financial knowledge

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“Financial health” is a term that describes the state of your personal financial situation. There are many areas of financial health, including the amount of savings you have, what you spend, what finances you will have for your retirement, as well as your knowledge of financial products. 

My Financial Health aims to provide you with the tools and information you need to help you improve your financial wellbeing. The three key areas are:

  • Understand how to manage your money more effectively;
  • Develop a plan that aligns with your personal goals and helps you save for the future; and
  • Grow your understanding of financial products and services so that you can improve your overall financial wellbeing.

What is My Financial Health?

Starting in the finance industry as a mortgage broker, initial discussions with clients highlighted the need for a more holistic approach to a person’s financial life to complement the home loan requirement. Through extensive research into financial literacy over the last three years and the challenges faced here and abroad, the development of a foundational program to improve financial knowledge was born.

Meetings with the Government's MoneySmart team provided additional insights into their evolution and strategy to improve financial capability in Australia, with their educational tools and early intervention goals key. Though their biggest challenge is being able to raise the profile of their educational tools and support to be used prior to financial decisions being made.

My Financial Health is specifically designed to help people improve their financial health and wellbeing by reviewing their current finances and developing a program to improve their understanding of financial products.

My Financial Health Assessment

The following 3 minute survey will give you an understanding of your current financial health. After completion, you will receive a financial health score, that identifies opportunities and areas to focus on to improve your overall financial wellbeing.

Get your Financial Health Score Now
If you would like further detail about the My Financial Health Assessment, or would like to discuss your results further, please contact me.