Will lenders pass on the RBA rate cut to you?

Gino Farina Home Loans

The RBA has cut the official cash rate to a new record low of 1.25%. But hang on a sec… Will lenders even pass on the cut in full? Today we’ll look at how you can make the RBA rate cut work for you.

12 reasons you should see a broker for car finance

Gino Farina Other Loans

We’ve all heard the horror stories about a mechanically-challenged friend buying a car and it turning out to be an absolute lemon! Well, the truth is that sourcing the finance for the car isn’t all too dissimilar. But here are 12 reasons why a broker can provide peace of mind.

Making the most of the instant asset write-off

Gino Farina Self Employed

Cash flow is like your daily hit of caffeine. You don’t really notice how important it is for your business until you’ve got to try and operate without it. Today we’ll look at how the recently expanded instant asset write-off initiative can help out in that area.